Phantom Quartz

Phantom Quartz


Phantom Quartz has more of an amplification power, due to the ghost of growth in the Quartz.

The Phantom Quartz properties teach us that the first step in letting go of past traumas is leaving behind the ego and allowing the soul to learn and grow from the experience. In fact, psychologists even have a name for this remarkable phenomenon – post traumatic growth (PTG). The Phantom Quartz reminds us that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And chances are, it's never as bad as we imagined anyway. After all, with the Phantom Quartz meaning in your spiritual orbit, its sacred medicine is full of wisdom from millions of years of evolution on the Earth’s crust. Energy Muse.

Do you know the person you are without your “hard protective shell” you have grown since you were a child? People see just a shadow of that inner person through your shell.

Phantom Quartz are healing crystals used almost exclusively to get in touch with the inner self for purposes of self-knowledge.

They are most specifically used to help in understanding our inner needs that when satisfied will bring us the happiness we seek – the true happiness of complete fulfillment.

Crystal Vualts.

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