Safety first!

It’s easy to see the beauty in crystals and think that they couldn’t possibly harm us! However, this is not the case and it’s important to know your crystals and practice basic crystal safety.  

Crystal infusions, crystal waters and crystal creams can all be powerful healing and spiritual practices but this is NOT appropriate for every crystal.  Before you put your crystal anywhere in your body, make sure you know that it is safe. Many crystals contain heavy metals or other compounds that can be dangerous if ingested and some crystals break down if exposed to water. If it ends in ITE it most likely does not belong in water, there are more of course.

If you want to use a crystal that does contain toxins or reacts badly to water in an elixir, infusion or clean, you can prepare your elixir by placing the crystal inside a sealed small glass jar and placing the sealed jar into your liquid.  This way, the energetic vibrations can be absorbed without the crystal itself touching the water. The exception is radioactive stones because radiation can be absorbed into water or the body even without direct contact. Do NOT use radioactive or irradiated stones in any elixir using any method.


Below is a list of some of the crystals you should avoid ingesting, putting in water or putting into infusions compiled by Ashley Leavy of Love and Light Healing School.  Unless otherwise noted, these crystals are safe to handle and wear, just not to ingest. This is NOT a comprehensive list and we encourage everyone to research each specific crystal before using it.


Abalone - Harmful or toxic stone. Organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials from the water it forms in.

Acanthite – This mineral is to soft to be immersed in water (Love)

Achondrite – Please see Meteorite.

Achroite – Please see Tourmaline.

Actinolite – May contain asbestos. Do not use internally. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Adamite – Toxic or harmful stone.  Contains zinc and copper. (Harton, Hibiscus)

Ajoite – Contains aluminum and copper. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Alexandrite – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus) 

Algodonite – Toxic or harmful stone. There is trace arsenide content. Do not use internally (Supplement)

Allingite – Please see Amber.

Almandine – Please see Garnet.

Altaite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead. (Supplement)

Alum – This material is extremely soft and will dissolve. Should never be washed or held under water (Gienger, Stein)

Alurgite – This mineral is too soft for use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Love)

Amazon Jade – Please see Amazonite.

Amazon Stone – Please see Amazonite.

Amazonite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper (Harton, Sullivan, Kennedy)

Amazonstone – Please see Amazonite.

Amber – There are conflicting sources especially relating to amber dust. We suggest using the alternative method to be safe (Harton)

Amber, Pit – Please see Amber.

Amblygonite - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Andalusite - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Andersonite – Delicate mineral, avoid submersion in water. (Supplement).

Andradite - Please see Garnet.

Angelite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead and sulphur. Also may dissolve. (Harton)
          Please also see Anhydrite.

Anhydrite, Blue Druzy – Avoid soaking this stone in water, as it will deteriorate and dissolve.
          Please also see Angelite.

Anhydrite, Purple – Avoid soaking it in water, as the stone is soft and will deteriorate and dissolve.
          Please also see Angelite.

Antigorite – This mineral’s softness and lamellar structure precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Love)

Antimonite – Do not use…for internal use. Contains lead. (Sullivan)

Anyolite – Please see Ruby and Zoisite.

Aphrizite - Please see Tourmaline.

Apollo Stone – The content of Uranium in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Supplement)

Aquamarine - Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.
          Please also see Beryl.

Aragonite – Toxic or harmful stone. (Harton)

Argentite – The softness of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Love)

Ash, Volcanic – This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation.

Atacamite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. (Harton, Hibiscus)

Auricalcite – Please see Aurichalcite.

Aurichalcite - Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper and zinc. (Harton, Jentoft, Sullivan) 

Autunite – “Do not use this mineral in the preparation of an elixir via the normal method.  It is recommended that the use of Autunite be confined to an established location in ones environment, from which the powers would emanate.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 135)

Axinite - Contains aluminum, iron. (Healing Crystals)

Azel, Royal – Please see Sugilite.

Azurite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper and sulfur. Never wet this stone: it gives off sulfur when mixed with water (Bourgault, Jentoft, Lilly)



Barite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead, zinc, and barium. (Sullivan)

Bastnaesite - Toxic or harmful stone. (Healing Crystals)

Beaverite – Can crumble if exposed to water. (Love)

Beryl - Toxic or harmful stone.  Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Beudantite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Love)

Bindheimite – Contains trace amounts of lead. (Supplement)

Bismuth - Contains heavy metal. (Healing Crystals)

Bixbite – Please see Beryl.

Bloodstone – Please see Hematite.

Boji Stone ® - Toxic or harmful stone.  May contain sulphur. (Jentoft, Harton, Sullivan)
          Please also see Concretion. 

Borax – Borax dissolves in water, do not immerse. (Supplement)

Bornite – Please see Chalcopyrite.

Boulangerite – Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended. (Love)

Brazilianite - Contains aluminum. Not recommended to use in its raw form. (Healing Crystals)

Brewsterite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Supplement)

Bronchantite – Toxic or harmful stone.  Contains copper.” (Harton, Jentoft, Hibiscus)


Calaverite – Do not use this mineral as an elixir. (Love)

Carbon-C60 – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Supplement)

Cairngorm – Please see Quartz, Smoky.

Carnotite – Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended.” (Love)

Cavansite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper (Hibiscus, Supplement)

Celestine – Please see Celestite.

Celestite – This stone is soft and may dissolve and may contain strontium. (Hibiscus)

Cerussite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulphur and molybdenum and lead ore. (Harton, Crystal Healer)

Chalcanthite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. (Harton, Jentoft, Sullivan, Gienger)

Chalcopyrite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper and sulphur. (Harton, Sullivan, Hibiscus)

Chameleon Stone – Please see Alexandrite.

Chessy Copper – Please see Azurite.

Chessylite – Please see Azurite.

Chondrite – Please see Meteorite.

Chrysacolla – Please see Chrysocolla.

Chryselectrum – Please see Amber.

Chrysoberyl - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Chrysocolla – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper.” (Harton, Stein, Jentoft, Sullivan)

Chrysotile – Chrysotile (asbestos) is the fibrous form of Serpentine. It should not be because its dust can cause serious lung disease such as emphysema. However, its massive form (Serpentine) is completely safe to use.” (Lilly 150)

Chrysotite – Please see Chrysotile.

Cinnabar – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains mercury. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. (Harton, Jentoft, Lilly, Taylor, O’Donoghue)

Cinnamon Stone – Please see Hessonite.

Cobaltocalcite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains cobalt. (Harton)

Colorado Jade – Please see Amazonite.

Colusite – Trace arsenide content. Do not use internally. (Supplement)

Concretion – Some concretions may be too soft to prepare an elixir via the normal method.

Conicalcite – Please see Conichalcite.

Conichalcite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. (Harton, Jentoft, Hibiscus)

Copper – Do not use…for internal use. Poisonous. (Harton, Jentoft, Cayce, Peschek-Bohmer)

Copper Vitriol – Please see Chalcanthite.

Coral – Toxic or harmful stone. Organic, may contain harmful bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in. (Harton)

Cordierite – Please see Iolite.

Corundum - Toxic or harmful stones. Contains aluminum.

Covellite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper and sulphur. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Creaseyite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Supplement).

Crocidolite – Please see Tiger’s Eye.

Crocoite – Contains poisonous/toxic levels of chromium. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. Do not ingest.” (Healing Crystals)

Cumengéite – Contains trace amounts of lead. Do not use the normal method. (Supplement)

Cumengite – Please see Cumengéite.

Cuprite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. (Jentoft, Harton, Sullivan)

Cyanite – Please see Kyanite.

Cyanotrichite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended.” (Love)



Dechenite – Please see Dicinite.

Demantoid - Please see Garnet.

Desert Glass, Libyan – Please see Tektite.

Desert Rose – Do not “immerse it in water as its mysterious desert nature is regarded as being weakened by immersion.” (Taylor 87)
          Please also see Barite and/or Selenite.

Devilline – “Due to the softness of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Supplement)

Diaboleite – “The slight lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement)

Diamond - May be “artificially irradiated. Do not use in elixirs of any kind. (Hibiscus)

Diaphanite – Please see Alexandrite.

Dicinite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Love)

Diopside – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. (Harton)

Dioptase – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.(Jentoft, Harton, Sulllivan)

Disthene – Please see Kyanite.

Dragon’s Eye – Please see Tiger’s Eye.

Dravide - Please see Tourmaline.

Dravite - Please see Tourmaline.

Dumontite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Dumortierite – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 


Ear Shell – Please see Abalone.

Eglestonite – Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended. (Love)

Eilat Stone – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains copper. (Harton)

Elbaite - Please see Tourmaline.

Elöllingite – The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Supplement)

Emerald – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. (Harton, Healing Crystals)
          Please also see Beryl.

Emerald, Mother of – Please see Amazonite.

Enargite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Love)

Endlichite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Love)

Epidote - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Erythrite – Do not use as an elixir. (Love)

Euchroite – Poisonous. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling. (Lilly)


Fairy Cross/Tear/Stone – Please see Staurolite.

Falcon’s Eye - Please see Tiger’s Eye.

Falcondoite – Please see Garnierite.

Feldspar – Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Ferrimolybdite – Due to the softness of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Supplement)

Fluorite – May contain toxic ingredients, do not ingest. (Kennedy)

Fluor Spar -  Please see Fluorite.

Fool’s Gold – Please see Pyrite.

Fossil – Some fossils may be too soft to use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.

Freibergite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Love)

Fuchsite – “Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method.” (Love)



Gaia Stone – Please see Chrysocolla.

Galena – Contains high levels of lead. Do not ingest, wash hands after use, keep away from children. (Taylor, Jentoft, Lilly)

Galenite – Please see Galena.

Galmei – Please see Smithsonite.

Garnet – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. (Harton, Healing Crystals)

Garnierite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains Nickel. (Harton, Hibiscus, Jentoft)

Gem Silica – Contains copper. (Hibiscus)
          Please see Chrysocolla.

Genthite – Please see Garnierite.

Geyserite – “Due to the solubility of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement)

Glass, Libyan Desert – Please see Tektite.

Glessum – Please see Amber.

Glesum – Please see Amber.

Goshenite - Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.
          Please also see Beryl.

Granite – Some granites emit radon from the decay of Uranium. (Hibiscus)

Graphite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Love)

Grossularite - Please see Garnet.

Guerinite – Due to the softness of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Love)

Gum Stone – Please see Amber.

Gumstone – Please see Amber.

Gypsum – Due to the soft nature of this mineral, it is recommended that only the alternative method of preparation be used to create an elixir.



Halite – Will dissolve in water (Gienger, Jentoft, Sullivan)

Halite, Translucent Massive – “Due to the solubility and electrification of this Halite configuration, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Supplement A 321)
          Please also see Halite.

Hancockite – “The slight possible lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement A123)

Hanksite – “Dissolves when wet. Keep dry.” (The Crystal Bible 2  151)

Hawk’s Eye - Please see Tiger’s Eye.

Heliodor - Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.
          Please also see Beryl.

Hematite – Will rust if exposed to water. This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Sullivan, Peschek-Böhmer, Hibiscus)

Hessonite – Please see Garnet.

Hiddenite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.” (Harton, Healing Crystals)

Hyacinth – Please see Zircon.

Hyaline – Please see Opal.

Hyalite – Please see Opal.



Idocrase – Please see Vesuvianite.

Inca Gold – Please see Pyrite.

Inca Mirror – Please see Pyrite.

Inca Rose – Please see Rhodochrosite.

Indicolite - Please see Tourmaline.

Indigolite - Please see Tourmaline.

Iolite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains Aluminum.” (Harton)

Iron Bloom – Please see Aragonite.



Jacinth – Please see Zircon.

Jade, Amazon – Please see Amazonite.

Jade, Colorado – Please see Amazonite.

Jade, New – Please see Serpentine.

Jadeite - “Contains aluminum and iron.” (Healing Crystals)

Jamesonite – “The lead content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement A 135)

Jet – “Neither water nor sun should be used in its cleaning and charging.” (Peschek-Böhmer 177)



Kansas Pop Rock – Please see Boji Stone ®

Kasolite – “This mineral is radioactive. Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. It is best to store this mineral in glass and to utilize the energies which permeate the glass.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 357) Do not use this mineral in any elixir.

Kernite – “Due to the solubility of Kernite, do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 358)

Kidney Ore – Please see Hematite.

Kidney Stone – Please see Hematite.

Kuanos – Please see Azurite.

Kunzite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.” (Harton, Hibiscus)
          Please also see Spodumene.

Kyanite – “Friable stones such as Kyanite should never be placed in water.” (Crystal User’s, Harton)



Labradorite - “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.” (Harton)

Lapis Lazuli – Toxic or harmful stone. The pyrite inclusions may contain copper or sulphur (poisonous). Also, porous do not soak in water (Harton, Lambert, Jentoft, Simpson).

Lasur – Please see Azurite.

Lavulite – Please see Sugilite.

Lazulite - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Lazurite - Contains aluminum, sulfur. (Healing Crystals)

Lead – Highly toxic. Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Lilly, Love).

Lead Ore – Please see Galena.

Lepidolite – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Libyan Desert Glass – Please see Tektite.

Liddicoatite - Please see Tourmaline.

Litharge – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Supplement)

Lodestone – Please see Magnetite.

Löllingite – The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Supplement)

Luvulite – Please see Sugilite.

Lyncurium – Please see Amber.

Lynx Stone – Please see Amber.



Magnetite – Toxic or harmful stone.  Contains iron in large quantities. May also rust if exposed to water (Harton, Sullivan, Peschek-Bohmer)

Malachite – Do not expose to water and do not ingest. The rough stone can give off dust that is poisonous so we recommend only using the tumbled/polished form for handling.

Malachite, Blue – Please see Azurite.

Maqui Marble © – Please see mocha Ball.

Marcasite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains sulfur. When exposed to oxygen, can form a white residue which is sulfuric acid. If this occurs do not touch or wear next to skin. (Jentoft, Harton)

Markasite - Please see Marcasite.

Melanite - Please see Andradite.

Mendozavilite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Supplement)

Merlinite, Black – Please see Psilomelane.

Meteorite – May contain toxic substances. Do not use in the normal method.

Mica - Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method.

Mica, Green – Please see Fuchsite. Please also see Mica.

Mica, Lepidolite – Please see Lepidolite. Please also see Mica.

Microcline, Blue-Green – Please see Amazonite.

Minium – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead. Do not use in an elixir and wash hands after handling (Supplement)

Mixite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Love)

Mochi Ball © – These stones are too soft to use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.
           Please also see Concretion

Mochi Marble © - please see Mochi Ball

Mohawkite – Poisonous (copper, arsenic), do not use for internal use and keep away from children!). (Jentoft, Harton, Sullivan, Hibiscus)

Moldavite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.” (Harton, Hibiscus)

Molybdenum – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains molybdenum. (Harton)

Moonstone – Toxic or harmful stone. May contain aluminum or other harmful substances. (Harton)

Moonstone, Rainbow – Please see Labradorite.

Moqui Ball – Please see Mochi Ball.

Moqui Marble – Please see Mochi Ball.

Morganite - Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. (Healing, Hibiscus)
           Please also see Beryl.

Mother of Emerald – Please see Amazonite.

Mother of Pearl - Harmful or toxic stone. Organic, may contain harmful bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials from the water it forms in. (Harton)

Mother of Pearl, Rainbow – Please see Abalone.

Muscovite - Due to the flakiness of this mineral, it is recommended that an elixir is not prepared by the normal method.

Please also see Mica.           



Nadorite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Natrojarosite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement)

New Jade – Please see Serpentine.

Newberyite – The mineral is soluble and should not be put in water. (Supplement)

Niccolite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)



Olivenite – Contains arsenide. Do not use in an elixir. (Supplement)

Opal – Toxic or harmful stone. Opals also can absorb water and crack. (Harton, Taylor)

Orpiment – It contains arsenic which is highly poisonous and can give off arsenic vapors so should not be put in any elixir and should be handled with care for external use. Wash hands and do not wear directly next to skin. (Lilly, Jentoft, Peschek-Böhmer)

Orthoclase - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Osarizawaite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Supplement)

Ox’s Eye - Please see Tiger’s Eye.



Pargasite - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Paua Shell – Please see Abalone.

Peacock Ore – Please see Chalcopyrite.

Peacock Rock - Please see Chalcopyrite.

Peacock Stone - Please see Chalcopyrite.

Pearl – Toxic or harmful stone. Organic material and may contain harmful bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in. May also be irradiated. (Harton, Hibiscus)

Peridot of Ceylon - Please see Tourmaline.

Pietersite – Contains aluminum and the fibrous form contains asbestos. Do not use for internal use (Sullivan, Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Pilsenite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Supplement)

Pit Amber – Please see Amber.

Plattnerite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Supplement)

Pollucite – The slight content of Cesium so should not be used in an elixir via the normal method (Supplement).

Polysphaerite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method (Supplement)

Potch – Please see Opal.

Prehnite – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Proustite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Psilomelane – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains barium. This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Harton, Sullivan, Hibiscus)

Pumice – Due to the soft nature of this stone, an elixir should only be prepared using the indirect method.

Purpurite – “Sensitive to water or washing solutions.” (Gienger 13)

Pyrite – Toxic or harmful stone, do not ingest. Contains sulfur and may contain intermixed Marcasite. When exposed to oxygen, Marcasite may form a white powdery residue which is sulfuric acid. If you see this residue, do not touch or wear next to the skin. It is sensitive to water and will become damaged. This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Harton, Sullivan, Peschek-Bohmer, Giender, Hibiscus)

Pyromorphite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Love)

Pyrope - Please see Garnet.



Quantum Quatro Silica - Contains poisonous/toxic copper. (Healing Crystals)

Quantum Stone - Please see Quantum Quatro Silica.

Quartz – Toxic dust for inhalation…so if you must use Quartz for an elixir etc., be sure to clean off any quartz dust.” (Harton) I have never heard this mentioned anywhere else so I do not know if there is any truth to it. However, it is always a good idea to rinse your stones before using them to prepare an elixir.

Quartz, Smokey – Please see Quartz, Smoky.

Quartz, Smoky – May be “artificially irradiated.” (Hibiscus)



Realgar – HIGHLY TOXIC levels of sulfur and arsenic. Wash hands after use and keep away from children! Never use for any internal use. (Lilly, Harton, Sullivan)

Record Stone – Due to the possible solubility of the attendant minerals, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Supplement Z 287)

Rhodicite – Please see Rhodizite

Rhodizite – The slight possible content of Cesium in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Supplement A 245)

Rhodochrosite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains lead. (Harton)

Rhodolite – Please see Garnet.

Royal Azel – Please see Sugilite.

Rubellite – May be “artificially irradiated.” (Hibiscus) 
            Please see also see Tourmaline.

Ruby – Toxic or harmful stone.  Contains aluminum. (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing) 
            Please also see Corundum.

Ruby Silver – Please see Proustite.



Sal Ammoniac – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement Z 271)

Saléeite – The content of Uranium (radioactivity) in this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement A 253)

Sandstone - Due to the soft nature of this stone, an elixir should only be prepared using the indirect method.

Sapphire – Toxic or harmful stones. Contains aluminum.” (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 
            Please also see Corundum.

Sapphire, Water – Please see Iolite.

Scapolite - Contains aluminum. (Healing Crystals)

Schorl - Please see Tourmaline.

Schröeckingerite – Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Supplement Z 275)

Scoopstone – Please see Amber.

Seamanite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Love)

Selenite – Selenite dissolves when wet. This stone should only be made into an elixir via the alternative method. Sensitive to humidity and may slide apart if exposed to water. (Lily, Lambert, Simpson, O’Donoghue)
            Please also see Gypsum.

Serpentine – Fibrous forms are asbestos. Wash hands after use. Not recommended in elixir preparation. (Healing Crystals)

Shaman Stone © - Please see Mochi Ball.

Siberite - Please see Tourmaline.

Silver, Ruby – Please see Proustite.

Slaty Shale – “Due to the possible solubility of the attendant minerals, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement Z 287)

Smithsonite – Poisonous (zinc, may also contain copper). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Jentoft, Harton, Sullivan)

Smoky Quartz – Please see Quartz, Smoky.

Sodalite – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing) 

Spectrolite – Please see Labradorite.

Spessartine – Please see Garnet.

Spessartite – Please see Garnet.

Spinel – Toxic or harmful stone. May contain aluminum and zinc.” (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing). 

Spodumene - Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.  (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Staurolite – Contains aluminum and iron. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 

Stibinite – Please see Stibnite.

Stibnite – Toxic or harmful stone. Has lead and antimony Wash hands after handling and never use for internal use. (Lilly, Harton, Sullivan, Crystal Bible)

Stilbite – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 

Succin – Please see Amber.

Succinite – Please see Amber.

Sugalite – Please see Sugilite.

Sugelite – Please see Sugilite.

Sugilite – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 

Sulfur – Toxic or harmful, contains poisonous sulfur. Do not soak this stone in water, as the mineral will dissolve. (Harton, Stein Complete, Hibiscus, O’Donoghue)

Sunstone – Contains aluminum. (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 

Svabite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Sylvanite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement).

Sylvine – Please see Sylvite.

Sylvinite – “Due to the solubility of this mineral, do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement).

Sylvite – “The solubility of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement)



Tanzanite-“ Contains aluminum.” (Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 
              Please also see Zoisite.

Tarnovizit – Please see Tarnowitzite.

Tarnowitzite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement Z 303)

Tektite – Please see Meteorite.

Television Rock – Please see Ulexite.

Television Stone – Please see Ulexite.

Tellurium – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love is in the Earth - Updated 638)

Tennanite – Toxic or harmful. Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. (Love)

Tetrahedrite – Toxic or harmful. Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method. (Supplement)

Thenardite – Toxic or harmful. Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Thulite – Please see Zoisite.

Tiffany Stone – Beryllium is toxic; use the stone in polished form and prepare the gem essence by the indirect method. (The Crystal Bible 2338) 
              Please also see Fluorite and Opal.

Tiger Iron – Please see Tiger’s Eye and Hematite.

Tiger’s Eye – Toxic or harmful stone, fibrous and contains asbestos, the chocolate color may be irradiated (Harton, Jentoft, Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 

Tirolit – Toxic or harmful. The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir. (Supplement A 285)

Topaz – Toxic or harmful stone, contains aluminum and may be artificially irradiated. (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing Crystals) 

Topaz, Mystic – Make the essence by the indirect method. (The Crystal Bible 2 193) 
              Please also see Topaz.

Torbenite - Please see Torbernite.

Torbernite – Radioactive. (Hibiscus and Healing Crystals) 

Tourmaline – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. 

Tourmaline, Watermelon – Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum. (Harton) 
              Please also see Tourmaline.

Tremolite – Fibrous forms are asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs. Wash hands after use. (Healing Crystals, Hibiscus)

Tsavorite - Please see Garnet.

Tsilasite - Please see Tourmaline.

Turquoise – Toxic or harmful stone, contains copper and aluminum. Turquoise is a crystal “not to cleanse in water or saltwater.  This stone is “either water-soluble or the physical properties are affected by the water.” (Lambert, Harton, Hibiscus and Simpson)

T.V. Rock – Please see Ulexite.

T.V. Stone – Please see Ulexite.

Tyrolite – “The arsenide content of this mineral precludes its use in the normal method of preparation of an elixir.” (Supplement)



Ulexite – Contains toxic boron and asbestos. Also, the rock will lose its luster when in contact with water. This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Jentoft, Gienger, Healing Crystals)  

Ullmannite – Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Uraninite – “Preparation of an elixir via the normal method is not recommended.” (Supplement)

Uranium – “Toxic or harmful stone.  Radioactive mineral.” (Harton, Jentoft)

Uranophane – “Radioactive.” (The Crystal Bible, New Crystals)

Uvarovite - Please see Garnet.

Uvite – Please see Tourmaline.



Vanadinite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method. Poisonous or harmful stone, contains lead (Harton, Jentoft, Love

Variscite – “Toxic or harmful stone. Contains aluminum.” (Harton, Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)

Venus Stone – Please see Chrysocolla.

Verdalite – Please see Tourmaline.

Verdelite - Please see Tourmaline.

Verdite - Please see Tourmaline.

Vesuvianite – “Contains aluminum.” (Hibiscus), “Contains aluminum.” (Healing Crystals)

Viking’s Compass – Please see Iolite.

Violarite – “Do not prepare an elixir via the normal method.” (Supplement Z 321)

Vivianite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Vltava – Please see Moldavite.

Volcanic Ash – Please see Ash, Volcanic.



Wad – “This mineral exhibits a softness, do not prepare an elixir of same via the normal method.” (Love)

Water Sapphire – Please see Iolite

Wavellite – “Contains aluminum.” (Hibiscus), “Contains aluminum.” (Healing Crystals)

Weeksite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Williamsite – “Do not prepare an elixir of this mineral via the normal method.” (Love)

Wulfenite – Toxic or harmful stone, Poisonous (lead and molybdenum). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Jentoft, Harton, Sullivan, Healing Crystals, Hibiscus)


Zincite - Poisonous (zinc, may also contain copper). This mineral should only be used in an elixir prepared via the alternative method of preparation. (Jentoft, Harton)

Zinc Spar – Please see Smithsonite.

Zircon – “Contains zirconium, traces of Uranium and Thorium [which emit] alpha particles (ie radioactive) (Taylor, Healing Crystals)

Zoisite – Contains aluminum. Flaky or powdery stones, or those that have cavities which could harbor micro-organisms, are not suitable for making essences. (Taylor, Hibiscus, Healing Crystals)


Bourgault, Luc. The American Indian Secrets of Crystal Healing. Creative Print & Design. Ebbw Vale, Wales: 1997.

Cayce, Edgar.  Gems and Stones:  Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings – Stones for Healing, Gems for Attunement, Twenty-Two Minerals, Plus Scientific and Historic Correlations:  Revised Edition.  Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) Press.  Virginia Beach, Virginia: 2007.

Gienger, Michael. Purifying Crystals: How to Clear, Charge, and Purify Your Healing Crystals. Earthdancer Publishing. Forres, Scotland: 2008.

Hall, Judy. Crystal User’s Handbook: An Illustrated Guide. Sterling Publishing. New York, New York: 2002.

Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible. Walking Stick Press. Cincinnati, Ohio: 2003.

Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible 2. Walking Stick Press. Cincinnati, Ohio: 2009. 

Hall, Judy. New Crystals and Healing Stones:A Complete Guide to 150 Recently Available Crystals and Stones. Godsfield Press. London, England: 2006.

Harton, Robyn A. Toxic or Harmful Stones  Date of Access: December 18, 2008.

Healing Crystals (Kristi Huggins/Mira Bai & Steve Garza). Crystal Cautions.  Date of Access: September 24, 2012.

Hibiscus Moon. Toxic Crystals & Stones List.  Date of Access: September 26, 2012.

Jentoft, Peggy & Liz Gunther. Toxic Stones. Date of Access: June 13, 2008.

Kennedy, Teresa. Gems of Wisdom, Gems of Power: A Practical Guide to How Gemstones, Minerals, & Crystals Can Enhance Your Life. Marlowe & Company. New York, New York: 2007.

Lambert, Mary. Crystal Energy: 150 Ways to bring success, love, health, and harmony into your life. Sterling Publishing Co. New York: New York: 2005.

Lilly, Simon and Sue Lilly. The Essential Crystal Handbook. Duncan Baird Publishers. London, England: 2006.

Melody. Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals: Updated. Earth Love Publishing House. Wheat Ridge, Colorado: 1995.

Melody. Love is in the Earth: Kaleidoscopic Pictorial: Supplement A. Earth Love Publishing House. Wheat Ridge, Colorado: 1996.

Melody. Love is in the Earth: Kaleidoscopic Pictorial: Supplement Z. Earth Love Publishing House. Wheat Ridge Colorado: 1998.

O’Donoghue, Shirley. Crystal Therapy: Exercises and Inspirations for Well-Being. Duncan Baird Publishers. London, England: 2007.

Permutt, Philip. The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing. Cico Books. New York, New York: 2009.

Permutt, Philip. The Crystal Healer. Cico Books. New York, New York: 2007.

Peschek-Böhmer, Flora and Gisela Schreiber. Healing Crystals and Gemstones from Amethyst to Zircon: A Comprehensive Listing of the Therapeutic Uses and Healing Effects of the Most Important Crystals and Gemstones. Konecky & Konecky. Old Saybrook, Connecticut: 2002.

Silver, Dawn & Pat Gullett.  Jewels of the Lotus: Tibetan Gemstone Oracle.  Bluestar Communications.  Orinda, California: 2002.

Simpson, Liz. The Book of Crystal Healing.  Thunder Bay Press.  San Diego, California: 1997.

Stein, Diane. Gem Stones A to Z: A Handy Reference to Healing Crystals. Crossing Press. Berkeley, California: 2008.

Sullivan, Susan. What NOT to Use in a Gemstone Essence or Elixir You Would Consume. Date of Access: December 18, 2008.

Taylor, Ken and Joules Taylor. Taylor, Home, & Personal Power.  Collins & Brown Limited. London, England: 1999.

This list has been compiled by Ashley Leavy.  If you use it or reproduce it in any way, please give credit to the compiler (including a link to  You must include the complete bibliography in any reproduction.
The links above were edited to reflect the current and accurate link locations by Jen on June 3, 2018.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.